Something that will make you smile: your nursery school for less

Because your salary won’t cover any more nappies, your nursery school will cost you less each month with Edenred Guardería.
A surprising saving every month
Nursery schools already included
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Flexible remuneration, the secret to saving money
Making your salary go further is very easy: if you pay your daily expenses through flexible remuneration, those expenses are exempt from Personal Income Tax (IRPF). Food, nursery, public transport… It’s that simple!
More advantages for you

Club Edenred: your self-indulgent side
Start enjoying exclusive discounts at over 300 companies, such as, Samsung, El Corte Inglés and

Everything you need is in the MyEdenred app
A world of perks in the palm of your hand: check your solutions, find somewhere to eat, answer your questions… Download MyEdenred!

Blog and social channels, we love talking to you.
We’re all ears: tell us what we’re doing right, what we can improve and how you picture us in the future. To start, here are a few tips on how to work better.
Can I allocate as much as I want to flexible remuneration or is there a limit?
Puedes destinar a retribución flexible hasta un 30% de tu sueldo anual bruto. Si quieres puedes realizar una simulación de ahorro aquí.
I am interested in Edenred Guardería but my nursery school is not in your network, what do I do?